
Career in NGO's
Career in Development Sector

Write for us


We are seeking contributors and guest writers who would be interested of writing career related posts for NgoEra. Send us your idea and become a guest writer. NgoEra provide a good platform for guest post you would probably would want to know which keywords containing the term Jobs do most users search for on Google. Here are 20 of the best keywords for your guest posting.

How to submit a guest post

  • Read the submission instructions Not following instructions will show the editor you’re not serious about the opportunity.
  • Include a description of each topic It can be hard for an editor to judge the potential of a pitch by just a title. Take 1-2 sentences max to describe each pitch.
  • Keep it brief Introduce yourself, mention why you’re reaching out, link to your previous work, and include the pitches.

Why write for us

  • Get exposure to over 1 million monthly readers and 2 million social followers.
  • Your post will be shared on our Facebook page and Twitter
  • Get full writing credit for every article you write.
  • It’s FREE

What Types Of Articles Do We Accept?

  • CV / Resume writing
  • Career Advice
  • Job Interview Tips
  • Corporate fashion
  • Corporate Jobs
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Case Studies
  • Read More Keywords

Submit your guest post

If you want to share your post. please publish here https://www.ngoera.com/guest-post

Learn more about how to prepare for an Interview click here
